New Zealand Oct 2010. The trip is coming to an end. A beautiful and peaceful ending I should say. Marcel is gone since morning and I am alone in the hostel. Over the past 50days being with the same person, many times I wished I hadn’t make this trip at all. But in the end its all good. Our differences clashed like mars hit venus. Maybe it’s the language barrier, or maybe it’s the prideful individuals. It was tough to live together. We had our good times and bad times. It clearly showed me the life I wouldn’t want to have with a life partner. But after all these, the emotions when departure from each other were pinching. To know that most likely we won’t be seeing each other again. Just another face in my life? Taking away good memories and nothing else. A trip like this has been tiring. Traveling on the road, though most of the time it wasn’t me who is driving, can be exhausting as well. Each morning we were woken up by nature; sounds of birds; sheep’s; cows; horses and many times the wind shook the van so hard, I almost thought I’m on a ship. And during one of the last days in the van, cows were licking and pushing our van and how annoyed and amused we both were. Very much so I hated walking, I realized the beauty of tramping and be in the midst of nature. Every step gets me closer to the destination. And every step tells me how big the universe is or rather how small I am. But, all these, the towering mountains, the vast rainforests, the endless valleys and amazing rivers and oceans, are created for us. How great God is? That he lits up the night sky with the most beautiful ornaments of all, that’s His signature I call it. Its beyond my ability to understand this perfection of His creation. I sat at the top of the hill, looking over the valleys and rivers for a long time and it’s simply beyond breathtaking.
I arrived Auckland on the 28th of Sept. For some reasons, I was least excited about this trip. Maybe I have not grasped the fact that this was going to be a more than 2 months trip. After checking in into Base, me and my friend head out for dinner. Base isn’t like a true-blue backpackers’ hostel. It’s more like a motel to me. With teens popping in and out of the building. For a $22NZD a night, it is rather decent for a motel. With 2 double decker beds cramped in one small room, I first checked out the others’ belongings to find out what kind of people am I sleeping with for the next 2 nights. Well, 2 guys. Not sure where they were from, but anyhow, my worst thoughts were about to emerge.
I was pretty excited meeting up my old friend I knew back when we were 14ish. The last time we met, I was about 18 or so. That’s a long time back! After giving him a buzz, we met at Base. Wow.. how time flies, and how time can change a man! No longer was he a punk with every possible piercing in his face and body. There stood a fine looking charming young man. Oh, Dustin..& michelle, if you are reading this, opps! It was great to have a buddy in Auckland, a place totally new to me and my friend. For the next 2 days, we were driven around and treated with great hospitality! How lovely is he. The first beach of this trip was… memory failed me. When Singapore forecast says it’s gonna be a windy day for any days, it is just a breeze compared to Auckland. Or very likely, I am just being a sheltered damn S’porean. Wait till I get to the Wellington part. It’s blew the shit outta you. And likely your shit gonna freeze instantly once its out. Bad analogy… but point delivered. Not used to the sudden change of weather between Sg and NZ, I was wrapping myself like a cocoon while my 2 lovely friends were in Tees and jeans… “ It’s just windy” They said. Yeah right. So back to the Base hostel. I nearly stab the guy sleeping below me. His snores were thunderous! If anyone can recall how Porky in Tinytoons snores in his sleep, it was a 3 second of continuous pig snorts and another 3 secs of whistle. And this whole cycle lasted through out the night. Not forgetting every time I was about to be hypnotized by this persistent and constant cycle of this hideous tune, this fellow had to move, turn or just twitching his toes, I don’t’ care! And shook the sane out of me. I popped in my earphones and after a long time.. I woke up, tired and grumpy. I believed I did fall asleep afterall. The next evening, the other guy told us that this asian is such a horrible snorer that a few days back, the guy in the next room was banging his fist on the hollow wall and the Ultimate was still in his LaLaLand. That night, the other guy was my saviour.. Earplugs! Apparently my dear friend and him had earplugs and had no problems at all! WAT THE… Thank goodness, we were out the next day.
Here’s our campervan! OK, home for the next 30days. Road trip bagan on 30th Sept. Starting from Auckland, we headed further north to Bay of Islands, where the friend did a day of sailing and of cos, only having 400 to begin with, I did the cheapest – Nothing. I was pretty upset when I thought of the next 29days of how little I can do in this trip. And constantly praying and believing that He will still make a good memorable trip for me. The faith was tough to upkeep. I was at the back of the wheel to Bay of Islands.
You know like how some colors appeal more to some people. 100km before our destination, something pink flashed pass me on the right at 100kmh. Of cos, cos I was driving at that speed. “PINK SHEEPS!!” I yelled! I can’t believe what I just said. Drifting in and out of his doze, he jumped upon my squeal. “HEH?!” I make an U-turn back, hop into their territory, and giving my first goal of catching a sheep – PINK! Flop. That’s why there are sheepdogs. On the way back from Bay of Islands, I found out from the owner that they colored them with food dyes. And no, they don’t do other colors – SheepWorld.
The first night of camp was at the campground. $25bucks for 2 with all facilities. And best of all, kayak rental at $5 ! It was the first perfect night, with good dinner prepared by myself, by the waterfalls in the background and clear night sky sprinkled by an infinity of twinkles. But it was a cold cold night. I had a full day to myself the next day. Prepared a sumptuous lunch – egg,bacon,cheese,lettues,tomatoes x 2 ! Went back to sleep right after lunch, sweet. 2 hours of power nap later, I was in the river trying my virgin paddle. There I met an 60+ yr old lady on the river. Had one of the nicest chat ever. Gave me her contact and told me to visit her when I return to Sydney. She wants to introduce her son to me. LOL.
Sheeps, cows, horses and sometimes lamas are the usual suspects in the morning. This cow was obviously curious whats the long thing I’m putting in and out of my mouth with white foam.
There was this hot water beach, like its name mention, hot springs. The part I was standing gives off heat and when the waves moves in, it heats up the water. People rented spades for $5 to dig their very own hot pool. Save the 5bucks and borrow it from some kids. Think it as near rotorua, slightly below Auckland. My partner did the Zorb. Throughout the trip, I was only the envious spectator. With $400, thank god for this friend.
And so, in Rotorua, I did horse trekking. Something I have always dreamt of doing – to be on the back of a horse riding through hills and valleys. That was $60 for an hour. And so i left with even less money. Not forgetting $100 for crossing to the south island. The second time in life im on a horse. First was in Chiangmai when I was 19. But that was just a huge pony I think.. nothing worth mentioning.. no scenery no nothing. My horse was lovely. All of them walked in single file. After being taught some of the basics of horse handling, we set off to triumph the hills! I was quite worried after the first bad experience. This stallion was brilliant. We were told to pull the leash and stop 2metres from the horse infront if it stopped. And if ever the horse decided to have some snacks on the way, pull harder to warn them. That sounded easy.. but different story on the back. And so, this lovely was able to auto-pilot! He did munch a little on the way.. but a small tug away from the juicy grass was enough. How sweet. And most of all, he never goes out of line, never overtake his friend even if he wander off to snack. And thus, mine would just stop in line waiting for the front mare to finish the food. And for a couple of times, he sneezed becos the tail of the front’s was sweeping his nose constantly. How cute. I grew a fond for horses after that trip. How smart they are! And like dogs, every personality is distinctive. This guy, doesn’t like to get his feet dirty. Each time comes a puddle or mud which most of the horse would ignore, he would route to the side to avoid the dirt. Many times it was so near the cliff, I was afraid he may lose his footing!
One of which was a 2hour route to this beautiful falls which I took a video of. Tuck away in a little corner, there lies a 30m amazing fall. The walk was pretty amazing too. Endless of grassland on one side and snow cap mountains on the other side. And the best thing, I’m alone!
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