Monday, July 5, 2010

The beginning

I don't where to start actually. 2010 is half over and what have you done? Or what have i really achieved?

Traveling has been a topic between me and a friend for years. Back then was just a dream, day dreaming in fact. We will be planning the starting and the ending point of the route, to what we do, where we stay, etc. But years past and we are still where we are, struggling to pay debts, money is never enough. Maybe it was enough.. but never enough to save for a major trip.

Money is just an excuse, i realized. It is an important factor but it's also the least to be worried about. Its pay day every month end. And its "pay day" indeed. Paying everyone except myself. At the end of the day, i left probably just enough for survival. Instead of talking about how much I want to travel, and how broke i always am, i took the brave step and bought the first ticket in 2010. Whats the difference of being broke in Singapore, and being broke overseas?
Well.. at least i'm overseas. =)

Commitments. Thats another word i hate. There are too much things at home that i can't ignore. Debts.. cars.. family.. job.. And every other few months, i screw up one of those. People coming after me for payments; Dad's yelling at me for God-knows-what reasons; i fucked my job; my car died on me. Im sick of everything around me that is silently telling me that i should not leave, work hard and pay my bills. Logical? Sensible? But it never once gives me the smiles that i should have. On the contrary, i was starting to lose myself in this world of debts and payments, and dealing with people i deem brainless.

People see me as an insensible kid. I think it's a part of me to know how to totally ignore anybody and how people thought of me. Yeah.. if i can be bother, i won't be me anymore. And of course, this unique trait of me landed me into troubles, big and small, over the years. I decided to put this trait into good use - To stop pleasing people who are undeserving, ignore them, and do what i really what. There's only two i need to please in this life i have, God and myself.

Somehow someone will say.. Whatever you are doing is not responsible at all. I AM responsible of myself. And of cos, bills and debts are not to be compromised. If i could do this much with debts, what's more i could do without debts. I won't be here blogging. Probably at some unknown islands, whale watching, saving turtle eggs... yea, that's what i want to do.

The world is too big to stay in one place for too long.

1 comment:

Evonne said...

No one's asking you to please them, but we're just worried for you. I know I am worried for you even though somehow you always seem to scrape through and stay happening. You're the one in debt, not us. But i care lor!

At the end of the day I want you to be happy.... happy without worries. Without worrying about your next meal, your next holiday, etc.

You may be broke overseas, but isn't it awesome if you can work on a plan for you to have it all? I know you're capable of it. Work on it. STOP ZHNGING YOUR CAR!!!! *kicks*